I just wanted to put up a quick post to say it might be a bit quiet round these parts for a week or so. Life is definitely throwing us lemons at the moment and I’m not sure I have the energy to make lemonade. It’s nothing really serious and I feel guilty for complaining when so many have it worse than us but….
If you read my posts regularly you’ll know Gabe has been ill and/or teething since about February. Well after his fifth and sixth teeth cut a couple of weeks ago he seemed much better and we thought he might get a bit of a break but he seems to be teething again but with no sign of any more teeth actually appearing.
Then two weeks ago Toby was sick twice then spent the next couple of days getting back to normal. We thought Gabe had managed to avoid it because he wasn’t sick but he’s had horrible sloppy nappies since, which I put down to teething, but after speaking to the health visitor it seems it could be that he had the bug too and it’s taking him a long time to get over it. The nappies are driving me mad – I’m changing him every hour almost and half of them are leaking meaning I have to change all his clothes too. He’s been really unsettled the last couple of nights too – going to bed at 6:30pm as usual but then waking up an hour or two later and just crying and crying and taking hours to settle again. Last night Barry ended up taking him out in the buggy at 10pm just to get him to sleep. I’m finding it really hard to deal with his constant unsettled-ness and I hate that I can never tell what’s wrong with him. I just can’t wait until these baby days are over, and it makes me sad that I feel that way.
On top of all this we’re selling our house and trying to get it ready to put on the market this week (more news on that front soon). We’ve had to start packing and putting stuff in the garage because our house is full to the brim and we need to clear loads out to get the photos done. I’ve made a good start and was counting on a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon while both boys are at nursery to get things finished before the photographer comes at 4pm. But it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen now because Toby has woken up with morning with what looks suspiciously like chicken pox!!
And we’re supposed to be going to Center Parcs on Monday too. I mean, seriously, you couldn’t make this shit up!!
So anyway, my point is…with all this going on blogging might have to take a back seat for a week or two. I’m really hoping we manage to get away next week and I know there isn’t wifi in the lodges anyway so I’m just going to switch off from it all for a week and hopefully we’ll see you rested and recovered on the other side!
Oh gosh! What a time you are having….I hope everyone feels better soon!
Enjoy your break away! It sounds like you need and deserve it
Oh no, that sounds rubbish! Hope the boys get better soon, and it’s not too awful for you.
You don’t swear often so I know when you swear you’re having a time of it. I hope that it’s not pox and you get to have a lovely holiday! x
Big hugs, I hope you’re able to get to Center Parcs on Monday lovely and that everyone is feeling better soon xx
Awww hun it sounds like the stress is really piling up. Take a back seat and go with the flow. I hope everything seems better soon x
I really hope you managed to get away and have a lovely holiday! Teething really is the worst xx
Oh you poor love! I hope your boys are feeling better. Enjoy your trip to Center Parcs and I hope you can relax a bit. X
Hope the boys are feeling better soon lovely, enjoy your break to CP and have a nice time xx
I so hope you make it on holiday, and I really feel for you. It is completely exhausting and the practical side of things take over the fun. Fingers and toes crossed that things settle down for your all xx