My Wild Ones // Muddy puddles, trains & squirrels

If you read my post last week you’ll know there’s an awesome park where we live. Well, yesterday, as at last the rain and wind stopped and we got some sunshine, I met my friend Claire and her twins Thomas and Edward there so the boys could all get some fresh air and run off a bit of energy. [And I took a lot of pictures so this is going to be a very photo heavy post].

We were exploring a different part of the park to last week though. We started off at the old train engine that has recently been painted and re-sited in the park.


It’s not really for playing on but you can go up on the footplate, which all the boys managed to get up to but they needed a hand to come back down.

On the footplate

From the train we headed off to find some puddles. This one was a bit rubbish really but the boys happily spent 10 minutes throwing sticks and leaves into it.


And then we saw some squirrels. There are loads of them in the park and guess they’re pretty used to people. Toby and Thomas stood shouting ‘squirrel, squirrel’ at these two and they actually came right up to them instead of running away.


Down another path and we came to a bridge that was perfect for throwing sticks down into the water below. This bridge is actually the one we walked under last week.

Stick throwing

And then it was time for some squirrel chasing. This time they did run away but Toby and Thomas spent ages chasing after them just shouting ‘squirrel’.

Squirrel chasers

Toby got a bit stuck in the mud at one point and was a bit perturbed by his muddy boots, which weren’t even that muddy!

Muddy boots

There really were loads of squirrels today. Some of them were brave enough to get pretty close too.

Squirrel again

There was some great light, and Toby stayed still long enough for me to get this picture. It’s not quite what I was aiming for but photography whilst pushing a buggy and making sure a toddler doesn’t fall into a massive ravine isn’t that easy!


Then we walked back up the hill to the part of the park where the big open spaces are. Somewhere off in the distance there are the Forth bridges.

Open spaces

There was time for a bit more puddle wading…

Puddle fun

Before a well-earned sit down and a biscuit.


Toby, Thomas and Edward had a great time in the park (we didn’t name them all after Tank Engines on purpose by the way). Looking at these photos makes me realise just how tall Toby is – he’s only three months older than the twins but he’s a full head and shoulders tall than them!

Oh, and Gabe? Gabe slept through the whole thing. I guess he can do his exploring another day.

Gabe sleeping


11 thoughts on “My Wild Ones // Muddy puddles, trains & squirrels

  1. What a awesome park! We have a park here that is full of over friendly squirrels, they take food out of your hands! They look like they all had a good time, its lovely to watch them explore and get fresh air at the same time! #MyWildOnes

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