We moved into our house almost two years ago now. We decorated Toby and Gabe’s room just before we moved in and then completely replaced the kitchen after just a few months. But since then our redecoration plans rather ground to a halt, mostly due to lack of funds. Just before Christmas (I know, it’s taken a while for me to write about it!) though we decided to try and give our hall way a makeover on a budget. Read more
Bedroom makeover inspiration
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When we moved house we decided that although the master bedroom was upstairs, we would take one of the other bedrooms downstairs so we could be next to the boys’ room. You can see our rather unusual house layout in my house tour video so you can see what I mean.
At the moment we are living in a mismatched room with our old bed and bedding, a wardrobe full of the boys’ clothes, not enough storage for our own things and the curtains from the living room at our old house! I can’t wait until we have a lovely bedroom with matching bedding and curtains again – I think they can really make a difference to a room don’t you? Read more