September seems to have disappeared in a flash! At the beginning of the month saw Toby starting school – he seems to have settled in well, even though he tells me every day that he doesn’t want to go!
We’ve had a few tears at the door and he’s even had to be dragged off me a couple of times, but on the whole he’s doing well and has made some new friends too.
Gabe started at a new preschool three mornings a week at the beginning of the month too. He also seems to have settled in well. I get tears from him at most drop offs but that’s pretty standard really. He’s come on leaps and bounds with his speech this month though, it’s so much easier now he can (mostly) tell us what he wants. He’s got another molar on the way though, and a cold, so we’ve had a bit of a grumpy and clingy couple of days from him.
Barry was away in Germany for work for the middle two weeks of the month. We survived remarkably well really, with a bit of help from my mum. It does help that on the whole both boys sleep much better these days.
Last weekend I was away at BlogOn – a blogging conference in Manchester. Even though I could have just gone for the day I took the chance to have a night away, and it was lovely to catch up with some of my blogging buddies, and meet some new ones too.
With the general busy-ness of the month we haven’t really had chance to take a Me & Mine picture anywhere exciting so it’s another sofa shot from us this month. My boys weren’t feeling particularly co-operative today either – they were more interested in the LEGO helicopter that Toby had just made!
I guess I take these pictures to remember a snapshot of our lives every month, and for now this is pretty much what life looks like.
And lastly, I took this one two seconds before Gabe started crying!
October is going to be a busy month for us, with me away at another blog thing next week, Barry at a school reunion next weekend, a birthday party (and a night out for me the week after) and then a week in the Lake District for half term! I think we’re all going to need a holiday by the end of the month.
I always panic when hubby says he has to go away for one night. lol But we always survive. Kids are fed, they slept, so it can’t be that bad. I seen you at BlogOn but I didn’t get to talk to you unfortunately. Well in fact I found it a bit awkward to talk to you because you probably don’t even know me lol #meandmine
Aww, you should have said hi. I’m rubbish at recognising faces but I would have known who you were 🙂
I love that the Lego helicopter made the shot, these are the little things it’s lovely to remember x
Love this photos, relaxed and fun! Lovely to see you at BlogOn, you were looking great x
Ahh these are so fun and happy. I love it. The kiddos seem to really be having fun with the family snaps this month. Love that last one. It’s always the one right before the tears that is the best full grins on everyone’s face. Too cute. #meandmineproject