I can’t believe it’s March already! I know February is the shortest month but it really has flown by. And now we’re into the last week of home learning, hopefully for good this time! Last week was actually pretty good as these things go, and the sunshine definitely helped.
School work last week was all about different faiths. The boys go to a Church of England school (even though we’re atheists) so most of their RE is focussed on Christianity. Last week though they were learning about a different religion every week.
The best thing was that all the classes were doing the same thing so instead of trying to split myself in two trying to help both them with different things we could all just work together to complete the activities. We did all sorts of stuff from origami and meditation to baking Jewish challah bread and building a Sikh gurdwara in Minecraft!
This weekend the weather was amazing so we made the most of it by getting on with some work in the garden while the boys enjoyed playing on the trampoline. We had loads of work done on our garden last summer (you can read all about it here) but then we needed to wait until now until we could really get on with planting and getting closer to it being finished.
While Barry did loads of digging in the rockery to rearrange the rocks, and a bit of planting, I cut back some of the overgrown shrubs at the top of the garden and then spent hours with my new toy – a pressure washer! I cleaned some flags at the side of the house, all the steps down to the garden, the new patio which had gone green over winter, and the astro turf at the bottom! It was tiring but super satisfying.
The boys were mostly on the trampoline but Toby did have a go with his glider plane for a bit. It only feels like it was a few weeks ago that I was taking pictures of him throwing snowballs, and now he’s playing outside in just a t-shirt!

They both had a go with the jet wash as well, although it nearly blew Gabe over I think!

I hope this week goes as well as last for our last week of home school. And this time next week we’ll be back to school runs… and hopefully the sun will still be shining!
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
The weather down here was so nice too but this week it’s gone back to being freezing!! x
Ahh, such happy faces! Sojnds like they’ve been busy 🙂
Aww they look like they’re having an amazing time 🙂 #livingarrows
Great action shot of Toby! Hope all get well this first week back x