Does anyone else’s head feel like it’s about to explode with all the things you’ve got to remember at the moment? There are dates for non-uniform days, Christmas lunches, nativities and carol concerts, and then I’m trying to keep track of Christmas shopping, and thinking of presents for the boys for all the rest of the family to buy as well! I feel really disorganised somehow and it’s only 3 weeks until we break up for the holidays!
On Friday the boys had an INSET day – but as I now work at their school it meant that I still had to go in. Barry was away this weekend too visiting friends so my mum came to look after the boys and they enjoyed a pyjama day with lots of screen time…

To be honest these days they can pretty much entertain themselves, and I even left packed lunches for them so my mum just had a day of reading her book and watching TV in our house instead of her own!

I can’t believe it’s nearly December already – it only seems two minutes since we were in Edinburgh at half term! I’m definitely ready for another holiday though and the Christmas break will mostly be spent at home so we’ll have plenty of time to rest and recover ready to start a new term in January!
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Life feels so much easier now the children can entertain themselves! I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas either – i just created a draft for next week’s Living Arrows post and was like ‘week 49?! No way!!’ x
Yes I am all over the place. Compounded by the fact we were meant to be going away. Looking unlikely now. Christmas will be here before we know it. Hopefully this week I will finally get organised.