At last, home school is over, Gabe has finished at school and we are in the summer holidays! For the last couple of years I’ve started the summer break a bit worried about having the boys at home for six weeks but after the last four months another six weeks seems like no time at all!
I usually have individual pictures of Toby and Gabe in my Living Arrows posts but this week I’ve just got one of them together in outside the front door on the last day of term.

I thought it would be nice to recreate the picture that I took on the first day of this school year back in September and that I used in my Living Arrows post for that week.

They have both grown so much since September! And although it wasn’t the year that any of us expected I’m proud of how well they have coped with it all. I really hope that in six weeks time I’ll be able to take another picture of them both back in their uniforms ready to get back to the classroom.
We’re off on our first family camping trip tomorrow – we’re going to Cheshire for a couple of days. I’m very excited to be somewhere other than our house. I spent my whole childhood camping and I loved it so I’m really hoping the boys enjoy it as much as I always did.
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Lovely photos
Enjoy camping! #livingarrows
It may have been an unpredictable year but they both look equally as happy in both pictures. Thank heavens for the resilience of kids! Have a good time camping- we’ve just returned and it’s been a real morale mood for the whole household.
Katrina x
They’ve grown up so much this year! I am SO glad home school is over! x
Lovely photos! I’m so pleased home school is over x
I hope you had a great time camping. It’s made all the sweeter after thinking we may not all get some summer trips away! #livingarrows