Wow! Week 26 means we’re half way through the year already! And only four weeks until the summer holidays. I can’t wait – I’ve enjoyed going back to work this last year but working full time after being at home for six years has been hard to adjust to. Hopefully six weeks at home over the summer will give me chance to catch my breath a bit…
Anyway, this week has been busy and things aren’t set to get quieter any time soon. In fact we haven’t got a weekend free now until the 6th August! I don’t know if it’s a result of not being able to do anything for so long during lockdowns or what but we just seem to fill up any free time we have these days.
I shouldn’t complain really – we are busy, but it’s all fun stuff that we’re busy with! The boys are loving Cubs and Beavers at the moment, and now I’m a Cub leader too quite a lot of our time is taken up with Scouting stuff. On Tuesday Toby had a very fun Cub meeting – he spent an hour learning to kayak on the canal not far from where we live.

He absolutely loved kayaking, and he was pretty good at it too! As soon as he got out he was asking me when he could go again!
Gabe’s picture this week was taken when he was watching Toby at Street Monkeys. He’s a very emotional little boy a lot of the time, and can cry about almost anything, but he laughs and smiles as much as he cries and he’s such fun to spend time with.

As I keep saying we’ve got another busy week ahead. Tonight Gabe has got to take his bike to Beavers (I’m hoping they will have more luck teaching him to ride it than I’ve had!), Tuesday Toby and I are at Cubs, Wednesday Toby is playing the clarinet in a music concert at school, Thursday we’re hoping to go and test drive a new car after school and then I’m going to see Chicago with my mum, and Friday Toby and I are off to Cub camp for the weekend! I told you we’re busy!! The week after is just as busy – plus Barry’s away at a conference all week so there really is no let up. I think I need to channel my inner Dory and just keep swimming for now, it’s got to get quieter sooner or later!
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Oh wow, super photos! We’ve got two kayaks in the garage which we are hoping to put to use this summer. My son J is also off out canoeing tomorrow with his school, here’s to plenty of water fun for the summer.
That kayaking looks so much fun! I remember loving it as a child. They seem to do so much with Scouts x