After recovering from our holiday we’ve had a quiet, back to normal, week at home. At the beginning of the week Toby gave us a couple of wakeful nights but things seem to have settled down now. Whatever was bothering him (probably bloody teeth again!) has stopped for now and we had a good few nights of sleeping through. This weekend though I left Daddy in charge while I went to London for Britmums Live and to visit my brother. Three whole days away from my little boy! I put him to bed on Thursday night and didn’t see him again until this morning! Father and son both survived relatively unscathed though and despite missing them both like crazy I had a lovely few days where I didn’t have to be responsible for anyone except myself.
I couldn’t wait to get back to this giggly monkey though…

love that face just brill, god it must have been so good to have a time out to yourself, i know what you mean its good for a break but better coming back.
Always lovely to get away but how great does it feel to return to that sweet face. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your little man is super cute! xx Jen