I don’t know about anybody else but time seems to be going at least three times slower than usual now we don’t have anywhere to go or anywhere we need to be! Last week was just more of the same for us – a bit of school work, a lot of Lego and plenty of time outside in the garden, although the weather wasn’t quite as kind to us last week.
It warmed up again yesterday though and apparently we’re in for a nice week so I’m sure there’ll be a lot more playing outside to be done. Technically it’s the school holidays here now but I’m planning on trying to get the boys to do a bit of school work most days still, otherwise I’ll never get them back into in two weeks time.
Well, I say that but I’m writing this at 2:30 in the afternoon and they haven’t done any yet!
We’re going to go back out in the garden in a few minutes – I’m so pleased we bought the boys a trampoline for their birthdays last year. It’s great for them to have something different to do outside.

I mean, it usually ends up with one of them crying eventually when they’ve managed to fall on one another or bump heads, and I am always wary of the potential for broken bones, especially at the moment, but it’s still a lot of fun most of the time!

Unsurprisingly we don’t have any plans for the next week. We were supposed to be going on holiday to Yorkshire today so I’m feeling a bit sad about that. Barry is still going to have a couple of days off work anyway because even though we obviously can’t go anywhere it means we can take turns looking after the boys a bit more and get a bit of time to do things for ourselves. I might even manage to fit in a yoga session or two – I’ve really been missing my classes the last few weeks, I just don’t have the same motivation to do it at home.
Anyway, I hope you manage an enjoyable Easter weekend even if it’s not the one you may have planned and I’ll be back next week with another Living Arrows post.
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Lovely candid photos! My husband was supposed to be in America this week visiting his brother before our nephew is born for a “last boys trip” – which of course got cancelled. We’re also due to be in Disney land next month and I doubt that will go ahead – trying my best to make sure we still capture and make amazing memories even though we feel robbed of some! K x
I have found it so hard to get any motivation to do anything. The weather down here has been lovely though so sitting in the garden feels like ‘doing’ enough! x
I have been rather envious of the 20 degrees warmth that down South has had the past two weeks. Although I’m grateful that it’s been dry at least! I hope you’ve managed to do some yoga x # livingarrows
We have spent most of the day in the garden, although I am regretting ignoring the back half of it for the last 12 months. Yay for trampolines. We were also meant to be away for Easter holidays. I hope you still have a lovely time x
I have no motivation to do anything right now. We’ve loved the sunny weather and have spent all our time in the garden x