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I can’t believe it’s March already! I know February is the shortest month but it really has flown by. And now we’re into the last week of home learning, hopefully for good this time! Last week was actually pretty good as these things go, and the sunshine definitely helped.
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And just like that half term is over and we’re back to the home learning today. It does seem likely that BoJo will announce tonight that schools will reopen in two weeks so like parents all over the land I’m crossing everything that it happens!
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We made it! Half term is here and I’m already enjoying our first day of not having to do school work. We don’t have many plans for this week – I think we’re going to go for a walk along the canal this afternoon to make the most of the only day it isn’t going to be raining, and there’s a few indoor things we can do later in the week.
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I really am running out of things to write about in these weekly posts at the moment. Like everyone else I think we are all just in survival mode now – we just do what we can to get through the days, and hold on to the hope that eventually this will all be over one day.
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We have survived another week of lockdown and January is finally over! We had a reasonably successful week of home learning – everyone is getting into the swing of it now and I think the boys have realised that no matter what they do the school work still has to be done eventually!
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Another week done, and hopefully another week closer to getting back to something approaching normal. I know we’ve probably still got a long way to go but we’ve got to look for the positives where we can. We’re half way to half term and week off remote learning at least!
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Well, we’ve made it through our first full week of home school / remote learning or whatever you want to call it. As I mentioned last week the boys are relatively happy to get on with the work that their teachers set each day but they both need a lot of help with most things – I’ve no idea how parents who are trying to work themselves are managing it, because for me it’s almost a full time job!
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Well, things have changed again since last week’s post haven’t they? I think we probably all knew another lockdown was coming but I thought we might get a few more days before they announced it. The boys managed to get back to school on Monday – they were happy they got to see their friends for one day at least!
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Here we are again – Week 1 of Living Arrows for the eighth time now! Before I start I just wanted to say thanks to Donna at What the Redhead Said for continuing to host this linky and to all the people who come and read these posts each week. I’m really hoping that as this year goes on we’ll have some more exciting adventures to share but for now things are carrying on in much the same way as most of 2020…
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So here we are. The last Living Arrows post of 2020. When I wrote my first post of the year back in January, like the rest of us, I had no idea what was to come. It has been a terrible year for so many people and I feel incredibly fortunate that we have got through it with our health and sanity more or less intact.
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