Remembering Childhood // Belle du Brighton

Last week I was remembering my childhood in the first post in my new series. So now it’s kicking off properly with the first guest blogger. First up it’s Lauren from Belle du Brighton.


Which decade were you born in?

I was born in the 80s! (1984 to be exact!)

What is your earliest memory? How old were you?

I was about 3 and I distinctly remember telling my mum I could DEFINITELY feel a frozen pea under my mattress so was actually a princess.

What was your favourite toy at 5 years old? At 10?

At five it was probably toy trucks and cars, I loved them! At ten I was into more girly things like Sylvanian Families and dolls pushchairs.

Do you still have any toys from your childhood?

I have one hand puppet (a mouse!) And my mum has a Sylvanian Family caravan in storage somewhere!

Who was your favourite pop group/artist as a teenager?

I didn’t get into music until quite late on in my teens, and never really had a favourite, but I knew all the words the No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom album, then after that I got into Muse, Placebo and the like.

What was your favourite TV show(s)?

Oooh… so many. I was a CBBC kid rather than Citv. I remember a lot of Blue Peter,  the Wild House, and Grange Hill and Byker Grove too!

What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema?

The Little Mermaid. I went with my friend and her mum and they still had cartoons before the main feature!

Do you have any dodgy haircut/ outfit memories that you’d rather forget?

So many dodgy outfits. I remember wearing pastel checked jeans from Tammy Girl with a red checked shirt. Urgh, what was I thinking!

What did you want to be when you grew up?

A vet! Needless to say I’m not a vet.

If you could go back to being a child again what age would you choose and why?

Ooh probably 11 or 12 ish. Old enough to go to the park and to town on my own so I had the world of freedom… or it felt like it!


Big thanks to Lauren for remembering her childhood – I’d totally forgotten about Tammy Girl, I spent many a Saturday afternoon there as a teenager!

Do come back next week when another blogger will be Remembering Childhood.

The reluctant potty trainer

Toby is three years and almost three months old. Three months ago he would cry and complain if you even suggested he go near a potty. He knew what it was for – if you asked him where wees and poos go he would tell you they go in the toilet (thanks Bing Bunny!) but he still wouldn’t contemplate sitting on the potty or the toilet, even with his clothes on.

As we were moving house in July we weren’t about to start pushing things but did mention to him that perhaps he could start using the potty when we lived in our new house and he seemed fairly open idea. We went out and chose some big boy pants together and we got a chair type of potty (this one if you’re interested) – I realised that because he is so tall sitting on a standard potty was really uncomfortable for him.

He sat on the potty a couple of times but didn’t do anything then seemed to lose all interest so we just put it in the living room and mostly ignored it for a while. We asked occasionally if he would like to use it and about six weeks ago he said yes one night. So, we got into a bit of a routine; Toby would sit on the potty in front of the TV every morning and every evening before bed. But still we didn’t even get a drip. He obviously has good bladder control as he could sit on the potty for half an hour and do nothing but do a massive wee as soon as he got a nappy on.


We were quite happy carrying on like this and I was confident that Toby would get there in his own time. Near the beginning of September though nursery forced the issue a bit, and I’m still not entirely happy about it. When school started back nursery moved all the kids who will be starting school next year up into the pre-school room. All the kids except Toby. Nobody had mentioned anything about it up to that point but it turned out they didn’t want him to go into the pre-school room while he was still in nappies. However, I spoke to the manager and explained I didn’t want him being held back. I understood that there were no nappy changing facilities in the pre-school room but he’s only changed two or three times a day so it can’t be that much trouble for someone to take him to the other room to do it. I also thought that maybe seeing all the other children using the toilet might encourage Toby to do the same.

Anyway, nursery were actually fine and moved him up to the pre-school room the next week. But a week or two later when I went to pick the boys up they told me Toby had used the toilet and apparently didn’t want his nappy back on after, he wanted big boy pants. They suggested I put some in his bag the next day so if he asked again they could put him in them.

The next day, and the following week he wore his big boy pants at nursery but had lots of accidents. In fact I’m not convinced he did a wee on the toilet at all. We tried to keep up the pants at home but still had quite a few accidents and still no wee on the potty. It seemed to me that Toby was scared of doing a wee anywhere but in a nappy (or in his pants).

So last week we spent a whole day at home. Toby seemed to know when he needed a wee and would sit on the potty but still nothing came. He would start panicking when it felt like he was about to wee…but eventually he did one. A few drips at first and then a full proper wee! He did two more big wees on the potty that day, and didn’t have any accidents. But he did spend pretty much the whole day just sitting on the potty watching CBeebies! And he got a sticker every time he did a wee so that seemed to help too.

Both days at nursery last week he wore pants but still had a few accidents. He did manage a poo in the toilet though which he was very proud of. But by Thursday lunch time he was crying and begging me to put a nappy on him, and he’d woken up crying a couple of nights too, which I think must be related. So I put a nappy back on. On Saturday we tried pants again and although all his wees went in the potty he did two poos in his pants.

Since then he has only been wearing nappies and just doesn’t want to wear his pants. We have made progress though. He will now occasionally tell me he needs a wee (or sometimes just ‘I’m doing a wee!!’) or if I see him doing his ‘need a wee’ jiggle I will get him to sit on the potty and do it. So at home, most wees are going in the potty even though he is still wearing a nappy. We use cloth nappies and for that reason I don’t really want to go down the pull up route.

I had been trying to encourage Toby to wear his pants, and put him off nappies but I realised that if I don’t want to completely put him off I need to go back to listening to him and going with what he wants. And for the moment if he wants to wear nappies but still use the potty most of the time then I’m happy to go with that. I always said I would wait until he was ready and I think in the last couple of weeks I’ve been ignoring my own instincts. It’s come close to really causing an issue but hopefully by letting Toby go at his own pace he’ll get over whatever fear it is that he has and I’m sure it won’t be too long before he decides for himself that he is really ready for his big boy pants.

How old were your little ones when they potty trained? I would love to hear if any of you have had similar experiences to us.

Remembering Childhood // Toby Goes Bananas

Over the coming weeks I’m going to be sharing some childhood memories from other bloggers. I don’t know you but I love reminiscing about my childhood, talking about the toys I used to play with and looking at old photos.

Before I start sharing the responses I’ve been collecting from other bloggers I thought it was only right that I share my memories with you too.

Which decade were you born in?

I was born in the late ’70s.

What is your earliest memory? How old were you?

This is difficult because I think a lot of my early memories actually come from having seen photographs. (On a side note, I wonder if this will be different for our kids because there are so many photographs of almost every moment of their lives?) However, we went on holiday to Sweden when I was two and I definitely have memories of that holiday that don’t come from photos. I remember the campsite we were staying on had a brick wall at the bottom with a wooden door that went to beach. And I remember dropping my apple in the sand and my dad telling me to rinse it in the sea – I thought salty apple was very tasty and kept dipping my apple before taking a bite!

I actually remember the day before this picture was taken too. My mum had commented she should have had my fringe cut for the play group photographs the next day so I took myself off to her bedroom and had a go myself with the nail scissors and I remember doing it and thinking she would be so pleased!


What was your favourite toy at 5 years old? At 10?

At 5 I had a soft toy panda that I got from London Zoo – he was wearing a little red bow tie and so had the imaginative name ‘Little Bow Tie’. I think I was just starting to get into Care Bears then and they were a big favourite for a long time. I collected all the pose-able figures, even the Care Bear Cousins. At 10 I loved playing outside on my bike or my roller boots. I think it was probably a prime age for Lego too – my brother and I had a massive bucket full of Lego that we played with all the time.

Do you still have any toys from your childhood?

I still have all my Care Bears and have just got them back out of the loft for Toby to play with. I’ve got a little knitted teddy (Little Ted) that was given to my mum for me before I was born, and I think there are still quite a few other soft toys in my parents’ loft too.


Who was your favourite pop group/artist as a teenager?

In my early teenage years I loved cheesy pop – Kylie and Jason, New Kids on the Block, Bad Boys Inc, and a bit later Take That (Mark was my favourite – still is!). I remember going to the Smash Hits Poll Awards Tour when I was 14 or 15 and saw Ant & Dec and loads of other pop acts from the time – it wasn’t cool but I loved it!

What was your favourite TV show(s)?

We were only ever allowed to watch the BBC (I think so we didn’t pester my parents for things we’d seen on adverts!) – when I was younger I loved Play School, Blue Peter, and cartoons like Mr Benn and King Rolo. As a teenager it was all about Byker Grove and Grange Hill. Oh and Neighbours!

What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema?

I went to see Transformers: The Movie at the cinema with my brother when it came out in 1986 so I would have been 8 at the time and he was 10. He convinced me to go by telling me I’d like it because there was a girl Transformer in it! My dad took us and then I think sat outside in the car while we watched the film.

Do you have any dodgy haircut/ outfit memories that you’d rather forget?

Oh my, so many! When I was 10 I really wanted a perm but my mum wouldn’t let me so we compromised with a straight bob and permed fringe!


The full perm came a year later, and was a proper poodle perm. And look at those glasses!


And as a teenager in the early 1990s I made some horrendous fashion choices – super baggy joggers, shell suits, purple jeans, hi-tops with the tongues stuck out…I wore it all. I’m very glad there aren’t too many photos around from that era! There is this one though – taken on holiday in Holland when I kept being mistaken for a boy…


What did you want to be when you grew up?

Honestly? I really didn’t know. I did a lot of dancing all through my childhood and for a while I had dreams of being a professional dancer but I was never the right shape. And I had a vague idea that I might like to be a teacher – which is what I eventually trained to do, but not until I was 32.

If you could go back to being a child again what age would you choose and why?

I think I would go back to being 9 or 10. I loved primary school, I was in Brownies, I went to lots of dance classes, it was before I started worrying about what I looked like, or what other people thought of me and basically I just had a lot of fun.

So that’s it from me for this week – come back next week when another blogger will be remembering their childhood.

Living Arrows 40/52 (2016)

We are sometimes a bit rubbish about getting out and actually doing things at the weekend – there are always jobs to be done, I worry about disrupting Gabe’s nap routine, and sometimes we are just a bit rubbish and it’s the middle of the afternoon before we know it and we haven’t done anything.

Yesterday though, the sun was shining so we made an effort to get out. We went to Beacon Fell, which is a smallish hill about half an hour from where we live. You can park quite near the top so it’s not too much of a walk for little three year old legs.

Barry took loads of photos so I might do a full post about it another time but for now I just want to share these two for this week’s Living Arrows post.


It was a lovely sunny day but not that warm in the shade and I knew from experience it could be windy on the top. I’m glad Toby’s rainbow snuggle fleece still fits him though – it looks like it might see us through another winter!

For the second week in a row I am also in Gabe’s picture. I’ve only carried him on my back a few times in our Lillebaby but he seemed very happy yesterday. It’s really comfortable to carry him this way too. We did need a bit of a rest when we got to the top though…


Living Arrows

Me & Mine // A Family Portrait (September 2016)

Another month gone and this one has really flown. It only seems two minutes since we were taking our August Me & Mine photos on the garden bench.

This month has been a quiet one. We haven’t really been up to much at all. Still just settling into our new routine. Gabe started the month with hand, foot and mouth disease and has ended it with four molars all coming through at the same time. But in between he has learnt to feed himself with a spoon and fork, he’s learnt to climb the stairs (at lightening speed, almost giving me a heart attack when I couldn’t see him and realised he’d made it up two flights of stairs without me noticing!). He’s also turned the TV off approximately 723 times and it’s driving me insane! Oh and yesterday he let go while standing up for a couple of seconds and didn’t fall over – I wonder if he’ll be walking by our next monthly update?

Toby has been getting used to nursery this month and has now moved into the pre-school room. We have made some progress with potty training too (full post coming soon!) but I think there’s still a way to go before he really gets it. Apart from that he is still just a little sponge, absorbing every word and fact that comes his way. A few weeks ago we were visiting Barry’s mum in hospital and there is a helipad outside. From out of nowhere Toby just said ‘oh look, a windsock!’ I mean where does he learn this stuff? (TV mostly – see, CBeebies is educational!)

I’ve signed up with a couple more supply agencies this month but still not actually got any work. To be honest I don’t know if I could cope with it at the moment with Gabe still waking up several times a night. And I have no idea how I would get both boys up, dressed and to nursery on time if I was going to work! I’ve been attempting to keep on top of blogging this month, and I was definitely inspired when I went to Blog On last weekend. Hopefully Gabe’s sleep will improve a bit soon and I might actually get some time in the evenings to get my laptop out. And while I’m not working I really need to make the most of my two days when the boys are at nursery.

And lastly, this month Barry has mostly been driving. He’s been encountering some awful traffic on his commute and spending four hours in the car some days. Add on to that a two day trip to Germany which involved getting home at twenty to one in the morning only to have to get up at half five to go back to work again and safe to say he’s looking forward to finally starting his two days a week working from home soon!

We didn’t actually manage to get a family picture in September but we went out for a walk up a local hill yesterday and I thought it would be the perfect place to get a picture. However, it was really busy at the top, there was nowhere to put the camera and we hadn’t taken the tripod despite Barry asking me three times if I wanted to take it. So I thought, never mind, we’ll make do with a phone selfie. But the boys had other ideas…


So that will have to do for this month. I think it’s pretty representative of our lives at the moment anyway!

Hopefully we’ll manage a better picture next month. In October we are looking forward to getting our new kitchen/diner, it’s all ordered so we just need to wait for the work to be done now. I’m so excited about what it’s going to look like! We will also be starting to look at primary schools for Toby – I can’t believe he’ll be starting school next year, he only turned three a couple of months ago!

Until next month then…

My Wild Ones // Climbing rocks and a whooshing stick

I’ve got a bit of a backlog of photographs and things to write about at the moment so please forgive my posting about something that we did two months ago.

When we were waiting to get the keys to our new house we went to meet Barry’s parents in Arnside, a village on the estuary of the river Kent, at the north east of Morcambe Bay. The estuary has a tidal bore which we were lucky enough to see just after we arrived.


After a lovely lunch in the Old Bakehouse cafe we had a little stroll along the water.


Gabe was quite happy in the buggy as we walked along.


Looking out across the water you can see Grange over Sands where Barry’s parents live.


As we walked along of course Toby found himself a stick. Apparently it was his ‘whooshing stick’.


He had lots of fun climbing up the rocks with his Grandad.


He’s quite the adventurer…


At one point the water was coming right up over the path, I’m glad the tide didn’t get any higher or we would have been stuck!


Apparently the whooshing stick was good for drawing in the sand too.


Gabe enjoyed the view too.


And then as we were heading back to the car, the inevitable happened…


We had a lovely day out though. It’s a beautiful part of the world and I’m sure we’ll go back again sometime.


Review: Piccolo baby food pouches

Gabe’s weaning journey so far has been quite up and down. Anytime he’s ill or teething he seems to go off his food but I can usually tempt him with a puree pouch when he doesn’t want anything else. So when the lovely people at Piccolo got in touch to ask if we wanted to try some of their new baby food pouches we were happy to give them a try.


Piccolo products are produced with the idea of Mediterranean Goodness at heart. The flavours of the pouches reflect that too, for example; apple and apricot with a pinch of cinnamon, peach and apple with a hint of basil, spring greens with a hint of mint or squash, red pepper and chickpea with a hint of rosemary to name a few.

Gabe was certainly keen to get his hands on the pouches when they first arrived!


Gabe is at an age now where he can suck straight from the pouch which is really handy, especially when we’re out and about. It’s hard to tell really but he does seem to like most of the Piccolo pouches. The only thing I will say is that these pouches are quite runny compared to some of the other brands we use. I think this took Gabe by surprise a bit when he first tried them because he managed to squeeze it all over himself!


To be honest Gabe is a little bit past the puree stage but these Piccolo pouches have been great for adding to Weetabix and porridge and we found a great use for them with Toby.


One pouch is the perfect amount to fill our ice lolly mould. Toby loves them and thinks he’s getting a big treat and I’m happy knowing everything he’s eating is good for him!


At the moment Piccolo only produce Stage 1 baby food pouches but they are always developing new products. They are releasing some new flavours soon too which we were also sent to try; mango, pear & kale with a dash of yogurt; banana, strawberry & peach with a hint of mint; sweet potato, beetroot, apple & pear and raspberry & apple with soaked oats. Some of the flavours may seem a bit out there to us as adults but Gabe seems to like them!

Piccolo pouches are currently available from Amazon, Ocado, Booths, Waitrose and a few other retailers. You can find out where to buy them near you on the Piccolo website here.


**Disclosure: I was sent the featured products in return for this review. All opinions are my own.

We're going on an adventure

Living Arrows 39/52 (2016)

I’m sure I only wrote last week’s Living Arrows post two minutes ago, time seems to be speeding by at the moment! We’ve still not being up to much, just settling into our new routine.

Gabe was still recovering from his immunisations last week and had a bit of a temperature on Wednesday. He’s got all four of his first molars coming at the moment too – two of them have cut and the other two are on the way. He’s coping pretty well, just not sleeping very well (not that he ever does!).

My parents are both involved in Scouts and at the weekend my dad was camping with his group just round the corner from our house. I took the boys along for the afternoon on Saturday – Toby had a brilliant time just running around the field and joining in some of the activities. I had Gabe in the carrier and even though he was a bit grumpy and tired he still managed to charm everyone with a few cheeky smiles.

Gabe giving a cheeky smile at scout camp

It’s been quite a big week for Toby really – he went to his first ever birthday party, and wasn’t really a fan. To be fair, the entertainer was really, really loud and I probably would have been scared if I was three too! On the plus side though, I got chatting to one of the nursery mums and we’ve arranged to meet up in a couple of weeks so that’s good. We’ve also been making some progress on the potty training front with Toby too. We’re not there yet but yesterday he had three wees in the potty which he has never done before so we’re calling that a win!

I was messing about with my camera and a peek-through book the other day and took this picture of Toby…I quite like it. He’s getting much harder to photograph these days though – he has to be in the right mood to cooperate!

Toby through the peek-through hole of a book about space

Living Arrows

Banana and mango smoothies with Nutribaby

The other day we had some bananas hanging about that were a bit past their best and we didn’t have time to make a banana loaf which would be my usual use for them so we decided to whip up some banana and mango smoothies using our Nutribaby from Babymoov.


Toby loves to help in the kitchen and these smoothies were easy enough for him to get really involved in making them.

First he peeled the banana and broke it up into large pieces in the Nutribaby. Next the mango went in (we bought some pre-cut for ease).


On top of the fruit Toby put a couple of big dollops of Greek yogurt and topped it up with some milk. As we were making these smoothies for the kids we used full-fat yogurt and milk but you could easily substitute low-fat alternatives.


Once all the ingredients were in the blender jug of the Nutribaby we clicked on the lid and whizzed the whole lot up together.


I really like the fact that the blender won’t work unless both the jug and lid are fully clicked into place – hands up if you’ve started a blender without the lid on before and sprayed stuff all over the kitchen!


The only trouble we had making the smoothies was that Gabe really didn’t like the noise…


I’d picked up these cute glass milk bottles and paper straws on offer at the garden centre a few days before we made the smoothies. A word of warning though – those paper straws might look cool but they are pretty useless for a toddler and turned to mush in seconds!


And now for my last confession – Gabe had a try of the smoothie and pulled a bit of a face, but then he’s funny about his food anyway.


But unfortunately Toby also declared it ‘yucky’ and wouldn’t drink it either! I thought it was quite nice but I think the problem was that the mango wasn’t quite ripe enough so didn’t blend fully into the smoothie.

Anyway, in an effort to rescue the situation I made Toby another smoothie but I replaced the mango with a couple of spoons of chocolate Nesquik. The verdict? This one was yummy…


Don’t forget to Pin this post for later if you like it…



**Disclosure: We were sent the Nutribaby as a part of our role as Babymoov ambassadors. All opinions are my own.


Living Arrows 38/52 (2016)

A bit late this week… Gabe had his one year immunisations on Friday, and he’s getting two molars – he’s coping pretty well though apart from a lot of disturbed nights (for both of us). We met my friend Claire at soft play on Monday though and he seemed to be having plenty of fun. I love these sheep dungarees too – I’ll be sad when they don’t fit anymore.

Gabe exploring soft play in his sheep dungarees

And Toby this week? Well Toby had a massive chocolate ice cream!

Toby covered in chocolate ice cream

Living Arrows