Living Arrows 27/52 (2015)

I’m so late with this latest Living Arrows post that it’s not even in the right week any more but I didn’t want to miss a week so here it is anyway! The picture was taken in the right week at least so it’s not too bad.

I had the camera out the other day because Toby was sitting at the table concentrating on a puzzle and I really wanted to catch the expression on his face. Of course as soon as I got the camera out he got down from the table and came to have a look! He was enjoying posing so I asked him to say cheese – we’ve never done that before so I can only guess he has learnt it at nursery because straight away he was giving me his ‘cheeeeese’ face!

27_52 15

Living Arrows

Home birth v. hospital // It’s decision time!

If you’ve read some of my pregnancy updates or this post about birth choices then you may know that I have been considering a home birth. I was really keen on the idea at the start of my pregnancy but when I found out at the 20 week scan that I had a low-lying placenta I tried not to really think about how I would be giving birth until the next scan at 32 weeks to see if the placenta had moved. I had all but convinced myself that it wouldn’t have moved and I would have to have a caesarean so I was very surprised to find out that in fact it had moved and I could have my home birth after all! But having convinced myself of one outcome I’ve been finding it quite difficult to get back my enthusiasm for a home birth 100%. When I saw the midwife last week she was wanting to know if I had decided but despite going over everything in my mind I was still swaying backwards and forwards between staying at home or going into the midwife-led unit where I had Toby. I keep trying to think about it and weigh up the pros and cons of each option but I’m still struggling to make decision so I’ve come to the conclusion is that what I need is a list! Hopefully this will help me decide once and for all…

Home v hospital

And so, I think I have made my decision….and I’m going to go for the home birth! As the midwife said, if it comes to the crunch (or the push!) and I really feel like I would rather go to hospital then I can, but I can’t suddenly decide I want to stay at home. The real big reasons for me are; as my labour with Toby was quick (8 hours from the first twinge to having a baby) it is likely that this labour will be even quicker and I just don’t fancy a manic drive to hospital or even worse not making it in time; and being at home straight after the birth, not having to hang around waiting to be discharged. With Toby I was still in the delivery room over 24 hours after giving birth, there were no beds on the ward and eventually I just decided to come home.

So, with the decision made I guess that means it’s time to start getting organised.

I would love to hear if you had a home birth and what you thought of it, or maybe you just can’t imagine giving birth anywhere except in hospital!

Being a blogger . . .

I was tagged by my blogging pal Donna at What the Redhead Said in this tag about being a blogger. It’s actually quite tricky to think about what being a blogger means to me but I’ll give it a go…

Being a blogger is creating a record of my life.

Being a blogger is having lots of ideas but not having the time to write about them!

Being a blogger has given me the opportunity to try out lots of fabulous products that I would never have had chance to otherwise.

Being a blogger is something I have been doing for over 6 years! I don’t update my old pre-baby blog any more but you can find it at We Must Be Bold if you ever fancy reading some of my old ramblings!

Being a blogger is something I really enjoy…but always feel I should be putting more effort into.

Being a blogger has given me lots of new friends.

Being a blogger is being part of a community, albeit one that I feel I am sometimes only on the edge of.

Being a blogger is something I hope I keep doing for many years to come.

What does being a blogger mean to you Hannah, Emma and Debs?

Being a blogger

Me & Mine: A Family Portrait (June 2015)

Oh dear, late again! We really need to get our act together to take a family picture earlier in the month! I had every intention of doing it when we went to a vintage car rally a few weeks ago but then Toby had a meltdown before we had chance, and then I was going to do it last weekend but we didn’t really do anything…and so finally we’ve ended up with a late iPhone selfie taken in the garden today! Next weekend is Toby’s birthday and we’ve got all the grandparents coming so I’m going to make sure I get a picture of all of us together and July can be an extended family Me & Mine. It will also be the last month of Me & Mine as a family of three (unless this baby is very late!) which is pretty exciting! Of course there’s always a chance that we won’t even make it to the end of July as a family of three – that’s actually quite a scary thought… I might have a baby this month!

Anyway, we didn’t really get up to much in June. It was my last month of work and it was a struggle just to get through the days sometimes so the weekends were mostly just chores, trips to the park, and catching up on sleep! So for now here’s June’s picture…

June 2015