This afternoon I am flying to London for a very exciting blog-related thing tomorrow (more on that when I get back). This is my first ever night away without Toby, and quite frankly I’m looking forward to it! I’ll only be away just over 24 hours so I’ll be back in time for bed time tomorrow. I know Toby will be absolutely fine with his daddy (who has a comprehensive list of instructions to follow, meals already cooked, and a drawer full of clean nappies!). I do a lot all of the day to day organisation in our house and I think I do sometimes forget that Barry lived on his own for years before he met me and he is perfectly capable of looking after himself! And he’s looked after Toby on his own for plenty of full days before so I’m sure they’ll have a lovely boys day together. I know sometimes if mums usually does the putting to bed then they can worry that their baby won’t go to sleep if they aren’t there, but bed times are daddy time in our house so there’s no worry there.
Toby does have a bit of a habit of either being ill or teething when daddy has to look after him for the day but there doesn’t seem to be any sign of a cold or any other ailments, and his top teeth have cut through in the last few days so hopefully there won’t be any teething problems either. And if there is, well then Barry is just as capable of administering Calpol and cuddles as I am.
So, I’m going to do my best not to worry and I’m going to enjoy staying with my brother and sister-in-law who I haven’t seen since Christmas. And then tomorrow I’m going to meet Donna from Redhead Babyled which is very exciting, and I’m sure we’ll have a lovely morning at our blogging thing. And then I’m going to go and get a milkshake from Ed’s Easy Diner, because they are amazing (and there isn’t one in Scotland so I don’t get to go very often!), and then I’ll be back to the airport to fly home. I used to go to London a lot when I was single, in fact that’s where I met the hubby, but I actually can’t remember the last time I was there so I am really, really looking forward to it. I promise I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.