I haven’t done any exercise since before I was pregnant (Oh, apart from some very leisurely swimming for the last couple of months of pregnancy). In fact if I’m honest I haven’t really done any exercise since before I got married and I was on the pre-requisite ‘get into the wedding dress diet’! But seeing as my weight loss efforts seem to have stalled somewhat, and (although I’m feeling much better about things in general now) we all know the mood-enhancing benefits of exercise, I decided it was high time I got back on the ‘get fit’ wagon.
In my day I’ve done all sorts of exercise classes; Body Combat, Body Pump, Body Balance, Pilates, Zumba, dance classes, Bootcamp, Commando Park Training… The list goes on. I’ve been swimming, I’ve been to the gym, I’ve even tried running (but a runner I will never be). In 2007 I did the Edinburgh Moonwalk – a walking marathon, starting at midnight, wearing decorated bras in aid of breast cancer research, which involved a lot of training and did help me to become pretty fit in the process. But then a few years after that I was tipping the scales at 13 stone and about as unfit as I’ve ever been.
So, back to today. I used to go to dance classes and Zumba at a local dance studio which is run by someone who has also been involved in the same amateur dramatics group as me. When I saw her mention on Facebook last week that she was starting a new half hour ‘Abs Blast’ class, following directly on from her half hour Metafit class I decided it was now or never. I roped in my friend Claire (who has 5 month old twins!) to come and join me and along we went.
You might kid yourself that looking after a baby keeps you fit. It doesn’t. It might, at a push, have toned my arms a bit with all the picking up and carrying, but I am still very, very unfit. I have no core strength left, although luckily my pelvic floor held out! After five minutes I was bright red and dripping sweat. My glasses were falling down my nose and I had to take my inhaler! But do you know what? It was great. I probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow, and Toby might have to stay upstairs in his cot all day if I can’t pick him up, but I really enjoyed it. We made it through the hour and it’s true what they say, exercise endorphins really do make you feel happier. So we’ll be back next week and hopefully it might just start getting a little bit easier.
And just for a laugh – here’s the face of someone who hasn’t exercised for probably two years after an hour of Metafit and an abs class!