If you have ever met a three year old you will know they are full of questions. Toby’s thirst for knowledge is just non-stop – at the moment he’s a bit fixated on what things are made of (walls, feet, cereal…) and how things work. We try and answer as many questions as we can but sometimes it’s nice to have a helping hand and that’s where programmes like Messy goes to Okido can come in useful!

Messy goes to Okido is a science show about Messy and his friends who find out something different about the world around us in every episode – it covers all sorts of things from electricity and magnets to thunderstorms and volcanoes. Toby loves watching Messy and has picked up all sorts from the programme.
The CBeebies TV show started life as Okido magazine; an arts and science magazine aimed at 3-8 year olds full of different activities, experiments and stories.

Recently Toby was lucky enough to be sent a copy of the magazine and a Large Talking Messy Monster soft toy. The magazine is great and has a lot of really interesting activities but I think it will be another year or two before Toby can really appreciate it.

He loves his talking Messy Monster though – especially because when he presses his tummy it comes out with all Messy’s catchphrases like ‘let’s skidoodle okidoodle’ or ‘balla balla boom boom’ (these will probably mean more to you if you’ve seen the programme). And even though Gabe doesn’t really know anything about the TV programme he loves listening to Messy talk too!

The Large Talking Messy Monster has an RRP of £14.99 and is available from all the usual retailers.
**Disclosure: I was sent the featured product in return for this review. All opinions are my own.
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