We’ve been talking about taking Toby to the park for a go on the swings for a few weeks now but either we haven’t had the time, or the weather has been horrible, but yesterday the sun was shining so we bundled him up and headed to one of our many local parks.
I’m not sure Toby was entirely convinced about his first go on the swing – I’m sure he’ll work out soon enough that it’s supposed to be fun!
We did manage to catch this little smile though…
I’m sure that going to the park will soon turn into an ordinary moment for us. I can’t wait until the weather gets a bit better, and Toby gets a bit bigger, so we can enjoy trips to the park. There are loads of little play parks all round the different bits of housing estates round here and we’ve also got a huge park in town that has got a lovely cafe and what looks like an awesome playground (although I haven’t tried it myself!).
And if you fancy a bit of video, here’s Toby in action!
Ah Little C loves the park and the swings are his favourite, higher mama higher mama is often heard! It won’t be long before Toby is shouting the same words xx
Pickle loved the swings so much that her Nanny and Grandad bought her a set of swings for in the garden for her 1st Birthday. Amazing present that we have used religiously since. Swings are fab – I’m sure Toby will grow to love it too x
Swings are fantastic! I hope that’s it of the bad weather now and we can all enjoy the park a lot more 🙂
We were on the swings earlier today, E loves going on them. Weather has been a nightmare, glad you got there in the end, we were trying to get the first go done for weeks!
Lovely photos hun, the one of you two together is just gorgeous! Can’t wait to take Arthur on the swings, may not be till we are back in the UK though!!!!
Like the blue background on your blog now by the way, its a lovely colour 🙂 x
Swings are amazing, Moo loves them and it takes me an age to get her off them! I love the bobble hat!
Beautiful and I love the first photo of the two of you. I think that is definitely one for a frame. And his hat is gorgeous too! x