It’s that time of week when another blogger is going to be sharing their childhood memories. This week’s Remembering Childhood comes from Lisa from Pass the Prosecco Please.
Which decade were you born in?
I was born in the 80s.
What is your earliest memory? How old were you?
My earliest memory is being in the South of France age 3. I can remember sitting on a green turtle potty in St Tropez!
What was your favourite toy at 5 years old? At 10?
At age 5 I loved my teddies, I used to love cuddling up to them and I also loved toy cars, I was a true tomboy. I was much the same age 10 except I got a GameBoy (retro right?) for my birthday and Super Mario 6 Gold Coins was my life.
Do you still have any toys from your childhood?
I have a cuddly doll, Raggedy Ann, from the cartoon and my toddler is currently playing with some of my toy cars from my childhood.
Who was your favourite pop group/artist as a teenager?
I loved Take That and 911, especially 911… I went and saw them live when I was 14 and then met them at a 90s weekender a few years ago… I proper fan-girled and went all silly, so embarrassing!
What was your favourite TV show(s)?
I loved Mysterious Cities of Gold, The Shoe People, Raggy Dolls, David The Gnome, Byker Grove and Blue Peter.
What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema?
Jumanji was the first film I saw at the cinema, I think I was maybe 10 or 11.
Do you have any dodgy haircut/ outfit memories that you’d rather forget?
My mum used to dress me and my sister in matching shell suits. Oh the shame… I also had my very think hair cut short and it looked awful.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet, but I’m very emotional when it comes to animals and I wouldn’t have been very good at it.
If you could go back to being a child again what age would you choose and why?
I would be 10 again – I used to spend my summers on my grandparents farm and I have amazing memories of roaming free, long sunny days and lots of adventures.
Thanks for sharing your memories Lisa – I used to have a Gameboy too but I had to sell it because I played Tetris so much I could see the blocks falling whenever I closed my eyes!
If you enjoyed this post then please do come back next week when another blogger will be remembering their childhood. You can also read all the other posts in the series here.