I was looking through some old photos on my laptop and came across these pictures from my childhood that I must have scanned at some point. I share so many photos of Toby and Gabe here that I thought you might be interested to see what I looked like as a baby.
This first photo is me and my brother. He is exactly two years older than me (our birthdays are the next day to each other) and I reckon in this photo I must have been about five months and he was nearly two and a half. I love my brother’s 70’s bowl cut and mushroom jumper!
The next photo was taken at playschool when I was two I think. I used to go to playschool (I guess it would be called preschool now) which was at the primary school I would go to later. When the school had official photos taken we did too. This would have been in 1980 but I think I’m still looking pretty 70’s with my brown stripy dungarees!
And so on to the third and final baby picture taken when I was three. I know I look like I’m wearing the same jumper as in the previous photo but I’m fairly sure I just really liked it so my mum bought me another one in a bigger size. In this photo I am also sporting my self-styled toddler fringe. My fringe had got really long and my mum must have said something to me about me getting my photo taken and she should have got my fringe cut. In my three year old wisdom I thought I would help out and I still remember my mum finding me in her bedroom cutting my own fringe with her nail scissors! I think there was an emergency trip to the hairdressers to try and fix things but I still think it’s funny that the evidence is retained for ever more in this picture.
There aren’t that many photos from when I was a baby and toddler – my mum and dad have got a few albums and I used to love looking through them when I was younger. So much so that there are things from when I was very young that I think I remember when in fact I only remember the photograph. Things are going to be so different for our children – I must have taken thousands of photos of Toby and Gabe over the last three and a half years. I wonder if they’ll ever get to see most of them though? So many of our photos these days just sit on our phones and computers never to be seen. That’s why I like the idea of this blog – it’s like a virtual photo album for Toby and Gabe and hopefully it’ll still be here and I’ll still be updating it when they’re old enough to look at it themselves.
How cute were you!! I love baby photos, need to get all mine down from the loft soon x