The lovely Hannah is on holiday in Italy this week so she has asked me to host My Wild Ones which is very exciting! I’ve got a slightly different post this week – instead of just sharing a day out as I often do I’m going to shift the focus to Gabe and share some photos of his weaning adventures so far.
We started weaning with Gabe when he turned six months old so we have been going for about two and half months now. Just like with Toby we launched right in with a mixture of finger foods and spoon feeding. We’re not doing full on babyled weaning but equally I have never pureed anything either.
Gabe took to solid food straight away. The first thing he actually ate was some cinnamon and raisin bagel – perhaps not the textbook first food but it happened to be what Toby was having for lunch so I just gave him a bit!
He tried some melon that day too, although I don’t think he actually ate very much of it.
Since then Gabe has had all sorts of bread products – breadsticks are still a firm favourite, as well as lots of different fruits and vegetables and things like yoghurt, Weetabix and porridge too. Most mornings he has his practice at picking up Cheerios too – not only a tasty breakfast but also a fantastic way of developing fine motor skills!
What we have found though is that although Gabe is happy to feed himself he still doesn’t manage to eat an awful lot that way, but he really likes his food and seems hungry. He also started waking for night feeds again, having not had them since he was about three or four months. So in an effort to get more food into him during the day, and hopefully fill him up, he has been having half of one of the seven month plus pouches for lunch and dinner, alongside some finger foods at every meal too. He is still perfectly happy to be spoon fed too – and loves to play with the spoon after he’s finished. I’ve not been brave enough to let him try and eat off the spoon himself yet though!
We are now starting to try and move on a bit from the pouches (which have lumps but are still soft) and introduce more textured food to he can just eat what we eat. He’s got six teeth now so biting shouldn’t be too much of a problem! Last week we were having Swedish meatballs with pasta and broccoli and he had a really good go at that so I think he’s getting ready to move on to the next stage of weaning.
Although he’s always been pretty good at picking things up and getting them in his mouth he’s definitely getting more accurate and generally better at it now – even when it’s slippery banana.
I’m also very excited that we are going to be working with Babymoov on their Stress-less Weaning project over the coming months. We’ll be trying out some of their products and working with a nutritionist too answer all our weaning questions too. You can see Gabe’s snazzy new Babymoov highchair in some of the more recent pictures and you’ll be seeing some of the other goodies we’ve been sent very soon.
So now it’s over to you – I’d love you to link up your posts for My Wild Ones here while Hannah is away.
A few guidelines for linking up:
- Link up one post per week with the theme of My Wild Ones. It could be a post about your child/children exploring inside or out; the idea is that it’s a photo project of candid childhood photography.
- The post can be a one photo, a series of photos, or a combination of text and photos.
- Comment on at least one other blog.
- Please pop the badge at the bottom of your blog post
- Don’t forget to tag me on Twitter – @tobygoesbananas – and I’ll retweet your posts as many times as you share them! You could also use #MyWildOnes to share, if you fancy.
- Linky opens every Thursday and closes the following Monday.

Aw weaning was my absolute favourite with my first, I loved seeing her happy little face as she got all messy and had a great time trying new things. Gorgeous photos, memories to treasure forever. x
Definitely looks like he’s a huge fan of food. I loved weaning our eldest and we’ve just started round two with our youngest, always love to get photos of them enjoying/ playing with their food 🙂 Thanks for hosting this weeks #MyWildOnes
I remember finding weaning with Luca quite stressful but you sound like you’ve found a good method.
He’s doing so well! We combined spoon feeding with finger foods and Toby’s a good eater now on the whole. Babymoov are fab aren’t they? I’m sure you’ll love their products!xx
I love reading about others weaning adventures, it looks like Gabe is doing great! We’re so excited to be working on the stressless-weaning project too, will be great to all share ideas together xx