Living Arrows 6/52 (2019)

It’s been a bit of a strange week here – I went to a funeral in Leeds on Wednesday, which meant swapping Gabe’s days at nursery and it’s made me feel a bit topsy-turvy all week. The boys both seem really tired at the moment too, I think we’re definitely ready for half-term next week!

Toby and Gabe both love LEGO, both the physical toy and all the games and films too. I don’t think we’ve ever been to the cinema as a family before, I’ve taken Toby on my own, and both boys but we haven’t all been together. On Saturday though we all went to see the new LEGO Movie.

It was really good, the boys were both really well-behaved and sat through the whole thing. I think as long as we make sure it’s a film they will enjoy that family cinema trips could definitely become a more regular thing.

Yesterday we had a quiet day at home. The boys had their weekly bath and then Gabe and I made a banana loaf while Toby did jigsaws.

Here’s Gabe mashing bananas for the cake. We hadn’t done much baking since Christmas (after spending most of December making cupcakes at Gabe’s request) but we had some bananas that were past their best so banana bread was the only option!

Gabe mashing bananas for banana bread

After our baking Toby and Gabe asked to get the play dough out. Sometimes they get everything out and then are bored 10 minutes later but they actually sat and played with it for over an hour… and there wasn’t even any fighting!

Toby playing with play dough

Next weekend we’re heading to Yorkshire for my sister-in-law’s birthday celebrations but we’ve got another week of school to get through first, with a school disco and parents’ evening thrown in for good measure!



If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.

Living Arrows

9 thoughts on “Living Arrows 6/52 (2019)

  1. Sorry to hear you’ve had an unsettled week. Roll on half term! I really need to do some more baking with M. She loves it, so we should do it more often. #LivingArrows

  2. The new Lego movie looks brilliant, we started going to the cinema as a family just last year and now we make it a regular monthly treat. Gabe looks like he’s having fun mashing the bananas, we have some baking planned for half term it never fails to keep the kids entertained. #livingarrows

  3. I am with you on the tiredness before half term! We have yet to see the new LEGO movie but hopefully we will find time next week. We never do much baking I never seem to find the time, banana bread is a firm favourite in our house! xx

  4. Ahh we are so looking forward to half-term over here! We had a school disco last week but parents evening this week. I hope you all have a lovely time in Yorkshire! #LivingArrows

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