I feel like a broken record with these posts at the moment because I just don’t have anything new to tell you every week. We are really sticking to the lockdown measures so apart from going to school and the occasional trip to the supermarket we aren’t going anywhere at all.

Gabe asked to get the PlayDoh out at the weekend – he has a great imagination once he gets going. In this picture he had made a little Gabe, and his friend ‘Bobby’ and they were walking down the road to school. He made them a pizza to have for their tea too!
Toby’s picture this week was just a quick snap when he was playing in the living room. I was trying to take a nice picture but he just kept laughing and wouldn’t keep his eyes open, so this is what I got. I quite like it though actually – it certainly captures his personality!

Until next week then…
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
It’s nice to see all the ordinary moments being shared on living arrows at the moment. Although it will be nice in 2021 when we all have more to do and write about! x
We’re the same, school and a walk at the weekends is all we’re doing. We’ve got into a nice routine. I hope you’re all well x
We are the same, although this week we started decorating… think lockdown may have finally got to us. Utter madness. Nice to be able to look back and see what you got up to during 2020 xx
I feel exactly the same as you – it’s like groundhog day! I’m hoping we’ll have more to write about in a week or two x