Although it doesn’t seem like Toby has been back at school for long, it’s actually been seven weeks and that means it’s half term time. We definitely need it here – both boys are shattered, they’ve both got colds and they are just generally in need of a break and a few days lying around at home and not doing much.
Gabe has been particularly poorly with his cold, he woke up at 2 am Friday with a temperature and then spent the rest of the night in our bed tossing and turning. He’s got a really nasty cough as well and it must be testament to my immune system that I managed to shake the cold off after a day, even with him coughing in my face half the night! He seemed much better yesterday but I’m glad I’m not having to decide if he’s well enough to go to nursery this week – he can just stay at home and recover.
After a few weeks of Gabe waking up with a dry nappy, and waking in the night when he needed a wee, we decided to try no nappy at all for bed this week. However, after three nights and three accidents we’ve gone back to the nappies for now. I don’t know if it’s been to do with his cold or what but he’s happy to keep wearing a nappy so we’ll just stick with it for now and try again in a few weeks I think.
Tiredness has meant a few night time accidents for Toby this week as well. I don’t know what he does though, he somehow manages to wake up with wet pyjamas but his bed itself isn’t wet? It’s so weird – I’m not complaining though! Hopefully a week to catch up on his sleep will help.
Toby’s picture this week was taken at our friend’s twins birthday party that we went to on Saturday. I was really pleased to see Toby joining in and playing right from the minute we got there. Sometimes he can take a while to warm up to birthday parties but this one he was straight in and onto the bouncy castle!
I hope that Gabe is on the mend soon! I’ve just gone down with this cold too. Hoping I can shake it off in one day somehow!
Hope you have a good half term week, sounds like you all really need it. There are so many bugs going round aren’t there, and I always find the children are so worn out by the end of term. x #LivingArrows
it has been an exhausting end of term with added germs! I hope you’re all chilling and recovering this week? Love the dino jammies #livingarrows
I hope you’ve had a lovely week with your boys. Potty training is so tricky, especially at night time. No point in rushing it, they all get there x
Hope you’ve had a great half term and are all fully recovered. There’s so many nasty bugs this time of year. I’m thinking about starting the nappy journey with Kipper soon and worried about night times x
I can relate to this so much – Athena and Troy were exhausted and so, so ready for half term! I hope yours are both well rested now x
Hope your little one is feeling much better – half-term was much needed here also! #LivingArrows