This last week has seen us back to school and back to reality with a bump. The summer holidays seem to fly by this year but then it was a still a shock to be back to early mornings, packed lunches and the tiredness that comes from a new school year (for me as well as the boys!)
Of course this week’s photo had to be the traditional ‘in front of the door’ shot. I’ve been writing these card signs since Toby started in Reception five years ago so we can’t have a first day of school without them now. I can’t believe both boys are in the juniors now – Year 3 for Gabe and Year 5 for Toby. And Year 1 for me! I work in the boys’ school as a TA supporting a set of twins with additional needs. I was in Reception with them last year and will be moving through the school with them for as long as they are there.

Thankfully Toby and Gabe were both excited to get back to school and have settled well into their new classes. Of course it was a bit of a strange end to our first week back with the news about the Queen but still I think we all enjoyed our the start of this school year.
I hope your children have enjoyed their return to school if they’ve gone back this week….and remember it’s only 6 weeks until half term!
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Lovely photos, glad they’ve settled well back at school. Ask for the six weeks to go things, don’t you worry I’ve been counting down from the first hour the kids were back!
I love this tardition you have. I really hope they’ve had a great start to the year x