We’ve spent the first few days of the Easter holidays just chilling out at home. The boys are still both recovering from their colds, and are tired even though they were only actually back in school for three weeks, so we’re just taking it easy and taking our time to get back to full strength.
We don’t have any plans for the next two weeks. Now the restrictions have relaxed a little bit we will probably go and spend a bit of time in my mum and dad’s garden, and we’re still working in our own garden too. The weather is supposed to be nice this week too so hopefully a bit of time outside will do us all good.
I’m sure there’ll be plenty of screen time too. I know we all worry about the amount of time our children spend in front of screens but it’s not all bad. Gabe found an app on his tablet yesterday and then used it to teach himself to tell the time in about 15 minutes!
And although the boys do play on their own sometimes, more often than not they can be found with their heads together, talking and helping each other with whatever game is their latest obsession…

I posted on my Instagram the other day that I couldn’t think of many positives from the last 12 months, but one positive has to have been watching the relationship develop between these two. They have spent so much more time with only each other for company than they would have done had they been at school as normal. They definitely still have their squabbles but they’re the best of friends too and I think they’ll remember this year that they spent almost entirely together for a really long time.
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
It’s so weird how holidays vary across the UK as we’ve only just started our easter break! I hope you’ve had a good one x
That sounds like a very handy app! Mine always take forever to grasp telling the time (mainly through stubbornness!) Hope you’ve had a lovely Easter weekend so far?
Our holidays have only just started today but we’re going to be taking things steady too. A few visits to grandparents gardens but mainly home playing with toys, eating Easter chocolate and of course, screen time. I think it can be so valuable sometimes, there are some great educational apps out there.
Katrina x