It’s that time of year when lots of us are thinking about getting healthier and perhaps losing some weight in the new year. Maybe you just want to shed a few of those festive pounds that seem to creep on over the holidays or perhaps you’ve got a lot of weight to lose. Whichever of these it might be then a meal replacement diet could help you on your way. Now I know this kind of diet isn’t for everyone, and there are some that argue it’s just a quick fix and doesn’t help you improve your diet in the long run. However, there is no doubting that this kind of diet does work (and I speak from experience here). It can be beneficial to choose a meal replacement diet if you find it difficult to make healthy choices as all the decisions about what to eat are taken away from you.
There are lots of different meal replacement diets on the market, some, like Lighter Life where you have to attend weekly group meetings, or others like the Cambridge diet where you have a personal consultant. If you would prefer to buy your meal replacement products online then there are a few options available too; The New You Plan is one of these options.
The New You Plan is a very low calorie diet (VLCD) which offers soups, shakes, hot meals, bars and snacks. They also provide 24 hour online support to their customers, along with an active Facebook community. There are a few things to consider before starting a VLCD and you should always check with your doctor that it is safe for you to use this kind of diet. If you are unsure if this is the diet for you there are some FAQs here.
If you would like to try The New You Plan then you can win a one week ‘Get Started’ bundle by completing the Rafflecopter below. The bundle contains 30 products and is currently retailing at a sale price of £41.99. The winner will be contacted by a member of The New You Plan customer services team who will help you choose the right products for you.
Giveaway ends midnight Sunday 8th February.
UK entrants aged 18 or over only
**Disclosure: I have not been compensated in any way for running this giveaway.
I haven’t!
a long time ago & lost 2 stone
I’ve not tried a meal replacement diet before, not really sure which one would be best to try x
No, to be honest they scare me! But….I am willing to try!
No I haven’t had meal replacement before
Yes. And they were horrid. Wanting to try another one that will hopefully taste better xx
No i haven’t
No yet
No but I would love to try these as desperate to lose a stone!
I haven’t , but anything is worth a try
Yes, they work really well.
Not for a very long time.
No, but friends have had good results from them
Yes, it was very low calorie and not possible to do for more than a few days
No – but very interested in trying one.
No I haven’t yet.
I haven’t!
Several and they work great – until I start eating again – oops!
Never tried one before but would be interested to see what its all about. x
Tried Slim Fast years ago
I tried slimfast when it first came out and it was beyond vile – I’ve heard they have improved since though
Never tried one would be willing to try one though
Just to eat less
Not yet – but would love to give it a go
Fingers, toes… and eyes crossed!
No, I haven’t
No, but I’d love to try one!
I’ve tried a meal replacement diet but I didn’t end up sticking to it for very long.
no I haven’ tried them
ive tried, but didn’t last very long
I haven’t, but it seems to be a good way to kickstart weight loss!
I have never tried one before.
Yes. I lost 3 stones
I haven’t!
No I’ve never tried it before
Have never tried before
Not as yet
No i have been unsure about them but I am willing to give them a go
Years ago I used Slimfast and lost 7lbs in one week
no, iv tried a few different weight loss measures like tablets, but never did meal replacement.
No I haven’t but I definitely need a kickstart in the right direction, thanks x
I haven’t no, but would love to give it a go! Summer will be here soon and I need all the help I can get!
Jen xx
Never tried a meal replacement diet but deff would like too x
tried slim fast but didnt work well lol
no but would love to give a try
No, but a friend gave it a try and she said it was amazing
No but it could be an option
Never tried.
Not yet…. but I think it’s time to give it a go! Too many wobbly bits!
Not tried anything like this before
no not before
yes, I have tried Cambridge and exiant , they are the only type of diets that work for me
I’ve used the slimfast drinks. Would like to have meal replacements as long as they were vegetarian
No I haven’t but it looks interesting
No I have never tried meal replacements before
Never tried, but would love a kick start
I’ve never tried one but this sounds good and I’m getting married in July
Yes, but it has been a few years ago and yes it did work.
not yet no :/
No I Havent
Nope but think I should
nope. I would like to try though.
Not before as have always been sceptical but nothing else has worked so would definitely like to try this
No, not yet…
I tried slim fast years ago but couldn’t stick to it!
No, I haven’t
No I haven’t as yet
no i haven’t
No but would like to!
a long time ago now it worked now im a carer I would like to loose some weight to make me have more energy sometimes a little assentive is needed to get you motivated this would nbe a good start looks really good
I’ve not tried a meal replacement diet before.
Never tried one before. Really do need to lose some weight.
No. Never. But I’m at the stage where I’ll try anything!
No, not tried but sounds like a good way to kick start weight loss
I tried tony Ferguson with no success
Yes, I won’t say which one but it is heavily advertised. Although some food was OK, some of the food was just horrible and I’m by no means a fussy eater. My sister has done an alternative plan however and the food was delicious. I guess you have to try them all until you find one that suits you.
no i havent but seems a nice easy way to loose weight
Slimfast… but not enough variety and too sweet !
I have never tried a meal replacement before.
No never but I would like to. i want to lose a stone by summer and this would help
No I haven’t, but I’m happy to give it a go.
Not yet but I would be interested in trying one!
Never tried one but always wanted to.
No I haven’t tried one.
No never…but I should do!!
I haven’t but have thought about it.
No not yet x