I was tagged by Lucy at Sons brighten up my day to complete this Blog Your Heart Out meme and although I’ve done a few lately I thought this one had some good questions and would maybe give you a bit more insight into how Toby Goes Bananas came about.
Who/what encouraged you to start blogging?
I’ve had a blog since 2009 – I used to blog about all aspects of my life from my travel adventures, reviews of comedy gigs I’d been to, my weight loss attempts and anything else I fancied. (My old blog is still there if you fancy a look, although I never update it anymore – We Must Be Bold) When I had Toby though I knew the audience of my old blog wouldn’t really be interested in a family-orientated blog about my new baby. I started reading other parenting blogs during night feeds when Toby was tiny and when he was about three months old I decided to set up a new baby blog of my own. And so Toby Goes Bananas was born.
How did you chose what topics to blog about?
I knew Toby Goes Bananas was going to be a blog about my new baby and my family so I blog about anything to do with us and our life really.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
I once spent the night at the top of Blackpool Tower.
What three words describe your style?
I don’t think I have a style! If I had to pick three words to describe me they would probably be organised, thoughtful and straight-forward.
What do you love to do when your not blogging?
I don’t seem to have time for doing much of anything these days. When I’m not looking after Toby, or doing my Spanish course work, or blogging, I like to read (in the bath), watch American TV dramas, bake and occasionally knit.
I tried to find some people to tag but everyone I thought of had already done it! But if you haven’t and you fancy joining in then feel free to copy the questions and go for it.
So nice to learn more about you. I could never really do languages – I sounds ‘British’ whatever language I speak, awful at accents and so could never really pull off any other language although I did get a B in my German GCSE x