Remembering Childhood // Falcondale Life

It’s that time of week when another blogger is going to be sharing their childhood memories. This week’s Remembering Childhood comes from Janet from Falcondale Life.

Which decade were you born in?

I was born in the 1970s, I’m original and unrestored!

What is your earliest memory? How old were you?

I didn’t walk until I was 22 months old and I remember not being able to walk when we went to the doctor’s surgery. My mum put me down and that was it, I was stuck there unless I shuffled. I have lots of memories of that doctor’s surgery including when I could still fit in the table-top scales.

What was your favourite toy at 5 years old? At 10?

At five years old I had a hand-knitted panda called Tony. He wore a nightie, usually. As he was a bit heavy and I made my big sister carry him. At ten I played with my Sindy house although I was starting to get a bit big for it.

Janet from Falcondale Life

Do you still have any toys from your childhood?

I still have Tony the panda but I’m afraid he’s in a box in the loft. I also have a few other battered soft toys up there including an Emu. Do you remember Rod Hull and Emu? He’s a little version of that pesky puppet. I have saved my favourite childhood books and read many of them to my girls.

Who was your favourite pop group/artist as a teenager?

I went a bit retro and got into Queen. I find it hard to believe now, it’s not my kind of thing at all!

What was your favourite TV show(s)?

I’m going to show my age with this one. On Saturday mornings there was a badly dubbed Japanese TV show called Monkey. The central character is horse-riding warrior hero from history. He’s a human, not a Monkey and I don’t understand the nickname. There were lots of stunts, magic, screaming and crazy camera-work.

What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema?

It was Bambi and I was very small. I was so scared of the forest fire that I ran out into the cinema lobby.

Do you have any dodgy haircut/ outfit memories that you’d rather forget?

I used to have a Lady Di hairdo in the 80s then one day the hairdresser was daydreaming and made a hash of it. I refused to have my hair cut at all for a year. Then I progressively made things worse by hacking at my hair myself with nail scissors until I almost had a mullet. Sad times.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was 5 I wanted to be film editor. That was only because I was so proud that I had learned to read those two words in the end credits of TV programmes. However looking back I now realise that it probably would have been a good idea to actually pursue that, it would suit me. Too late now!

If you could go back to being a child again what age would you choose and why?

I think I would be 3 again. Small enough to be carried. There would be no school and all my older siblings still at home. They are older than me and had all left home by the time I was 8.


Thanks for sharing your memories Janet – I love Tony the Panda, he’s brilliant!

If you enjoyed this post then please do come back next week when another blogger will be remembering their childhood. You can also read all the other posts in the series here.

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