Me & Mine // A Family Portrait (March 2016)

Another month has gone and as we head into April, with spring on the way I really hope we are putting the coughs and colds of winter behind us.

Unfortunately March has just been one illness after another in our house. Gabe has had it worse than any of us with croup then another cold that lasted over two weeks and brought infected eye with it, then I think he was well for less than a week before Toby brought another cold home from nursery and now we all have that one too. Added to that three new teeth and March has not been the best of months for the youngest of the Toby Goes Bananas clan.

Other than being ill we haven’t really been up to much this month. Barry’s mum came to visit the weekend of Mother’s Day and we had a nice lunch out and we’ve had a few trips to the park and soft play but we didn’t even do anything for Easter. I don’t really understand how Easter has turned into such a big deal but Barry was working on the Friday and Monday anyway so we just had a small egg each, and I’m still rationing Toby’s Easter chocolate!

Anyway, this month’s Me & Mine photo was just taken in the garden when Barry got home from work last night. We had some sunshine at least and Toby had fun on his slide and running around the garden for a bit. And I think we’re even all looking at the camera!

Me & Mine Family Portrait March 2016

16 thoughts on “Me & Mine // A Family Portrait (March 2016)

  1. Oh I feel you! March has been a month full of illness for us too! I’m hoping it’s the last of the bugs before summer. You did manage to take a blooming lovely picture though! xx

  2. That is a lovely shot! I love the late afternoon sunshine and you all look so chilled! Sorry to hear about the illnesses, ours has been similar as both kiddies have had chicken pox (2 weeks apart) and then Monkey and I had tummy bugs so really I am glad to see the back of March and am very much hoping for less bugs in April! Xx

  3. Oh no, sorry March was so rubbish! I know the feeling of constant illness though, with Indie at nursery and a husband who works in one, we’re constantly germy haha. Here’s to a better April! xx

  4. Oh March has been a bit of a poorly month for a lot of people, it’s not good is it! But hopefully that’ll be it so that we can get on with and enjoy spring and summer going forward. A lovely shot of you all. xx

  5. I am hoping April is a better month for you health wise, it sounds like you all could do with a break from all the illness. I love how bright and sunny your photo is, its so nice that its starting to get warm enough to play outside again, at last!

  6. Sorry you’ve all been ill, especially poor Gabe. That’s the thing when they start pre-school/nursery isn’t it – they bring everything home with them! Hope April is a better month for you all xx


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