Me & Mine: A Family Portrait (December 2014)

In the final hours of 2014 I’ve managed to get our last Me & Mine photo of 2014 up! December hasn’t been a brilliant month for us really – we had two weeks of massively disturbed sleep from Toby, he was waking almost hourly some nights and screaming unless I was sat next to his cot or had him in bed with me. We thought it was just a cold and his last two canines coming through but when I eventually took him to the doctor it turned out he had an ear and chest infection! Luckily a course of antibiotics did the trick and he was much better by Christmas. His sleep still isn’t great but at least he is settling again quite quickly if he does wake up instead of being awake for hours. Fingers crossed things continue to improve and he might actually sleep through again one of these days!

Of course sleepless nights also meant work was even more difficult than usual – I was certainly glad when we finally made it to the Christmas holidays and happily for me I don’t go back to work until the 8th January! I’m sure as soon as I’m back though I’ll be counting down the days to Easter (no half-term for us here in Scotland!).

Anyway, to this month’s photo – it was taken on Boxing Day after a walk in the park with my mum and dad. Unfortunately we made the mistake of leaving it to the end to take the picture and so Toby was getting tired and grumpy and not really in the mood for standing still! At least we managed to get one though.



I’ve really enjoyed taking our monthly photos for the Me & Mine project and most months they are the only photos of the three of us that I have. I’ll definitely be carrying on into 2015 but for now here’s a look back at all our pictures from the last year…

Family Portrait January






April family portrait in the garden








October 2014



5 thoughts on “Me & Mine: A Family Portrait (December 2014)

  1. Such a gorgeous photo and just scraped in! Look how much Toby has grown through the year – and your photos are so colourful, love seeing them all lined up. It’s been so lovely having you around this year, thanks for being there. Happy New Year – here’s to a fantastic 2015! x

  2. Poor Toby, having an ear and chest infection. There is always so much going around at this time of year, but I’m glad he’s on the mend. Fingers crossed for more sleep for you soon.
    Love the Me and Mine photo, you can’t beat a little winters walk to blow away the cobwebs of Christmas. And it looks a beautiful spot for a stroll. It’s also lovely to see all your photos from this year, it’s so exciting seeing them all together isn’t it? x

  3. Poor Toby with his ear and chest infection. My little boy has had a cold in decmeber that he has only just really shifted. Lovely to see all the pictures together in one post. 🙂

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