2013: A year in review Q&A


I was tagged by the lovely Donna at What the Redhead Said (Thanks Donna!) to complete this blogging Year in Review post as started by Kerry at Oh So Amelia. I’ve only been blogging here since October so I don’t have a huge number of posts to choose from for some of the questions but I’ll have a go!

There are just a few simple rules:
1. In your post, be sure to link back and thank the blogger that previously tagged you
2. Answer the questions below and tag at least 5 other bloggers and;
3. Include the badge in your post

So here goes!

1. Your top 5 new favourite blogs to read in 2013 

I only really started reading parenting blogs when Toby was born in July and I’m sure there are loads more out there waiting for me find them! These are the blogs I read every post on and that inspire me to carry on with my own blogging.

Redhead Babyled – I’m not saying this just because she tagged me, honest! I’m always impressed by the quality of Donna’s posts and I’m amazed at how she manages to blog so often – if I managed half as many posts I’d be happy!

The Laughing Owls – Probably the first parent blog I started reading. Becky is a fellow teacher and knitter – it’s great to read a blog of someone with similar interests to me.

Hurrah for Gin – Katie’s posts make me actually laugh out loud. And she’s very friendly on Twitter too.

Life With Munchers – I was amazed to find this blog hasn’t been going much longer than Toby Goes Bananas – it looks so professional! There are posts about lots of different things too which always makes for an interesting read.

Make Do & Push – I just think Hannah and her blog are cool! And I was really pleased when she chose me to feature on her ‘What’s in your changing bag?’ feature.

2. List Your 5 most read blog posts in 2013

Toby Goes Swimming

A breastfeeding story

Living with a reflux baby

In the news: Paid to breastfeed

Toby is 4 months old!

3. Name one blog you wish you had found sooner

All of them! Seriously. I wish I had started reading some of these blogs while I was still pregnant. There’s so much great advice and experience out there.

4. Your favourite blog post of 2013 

Silent Sunday: 17th November 2013 – I don’t have that many blog posts to choose from yet and I know it’s cheating a bit that I didn’t actually ‘write’ this one. I just love the picture though. Toby is concentrating so much on what his daddy is telling him!
5. What would you like to improve (if anything) on your blog next year?

I’d like to blog more regularly and try and build my readership. I’ve also started learning how to use the hubby’s DSLR so I’d like to have better photos on the blog too.

6. Name one blog you have a blog crush on

Just a Normal Mummy‘s posts are hilarious. I wish I could be so funny, but then it wouldn’t really be ‘me’ writing.

 7. How often do you post? 

I was trying to post three times a week but have been a bit slack over Christmas. I don’t have (or want) a strict blogging schedule but I would like to post a bit more regularly as (hopefully) the blog grows this year.

8. Share your first post of 2013

My first post of 2013 was the first post of this whole blog – Let’s start at the very beginning

9. Name one thing you would be doing if you weren’t typing this post right now.

Looking at Twitter on my phone (or playing Candy Crush Saga – I know, OK!)
10. What have you loved the most about blogging this year?

I’ve just loved getting Toby Goes Bananas off the ground and all the lovely bloggers and parents I’ve met on Twitter.

So there you go. 2013 has been pretty short for me in blogging terms. I can’t wait to get cracking with 2014 now!

I tag the following bloggers:

Emma and Alfie

Mum turned Mom

Daddy Space

Me, The Man & The Baby

Lou & Nate

3 thoughts on “2013: A year in review Q&A

  1. Pingback: 2013 Year in Review Q&A | mumturnedmom

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