Living Arrows 31/52 (2019)

Toby in the paddling pool

We have survived another week of the summer holidays! If I listed all the things we have been doing it would probably sound like we’ve been having a lovely time, and there have been some fun times but I’d be lying if I didn’t also tell you there there has been a lot of squabbling and quite a lot of shouting (mostly from me) too! Read more

Living Arrows 29/52 (2019)

Gabe on his last day at nursery

I’m a bit late with my Living Arrows post this week, but I didn’t take any pictures of Toby last week so I thought I might as well wait and use his ‘last day of Year 1’ photo for this week’s post. Toby finally broke up for the summer holidays today and he was definitely ready for it – it’s been a struggle to get him out of bed and ready to go the last week or two. Read more

Living Arrows 25/52 (2019)

Gabe riding his bike in the street

I can’t believe there are only four weeks of the summer term left! Gabe had his first taster session last week, and really enjoyed himself by all accounts. He told me he ‘played with LEGO and dinosaurs, listened to a story, had a drink of blackcurrant, drew a picture, got a sticker…and had a wee’. Sounds like all the important bases were covered! Read more

Living Arrows 22/52 (2019)

Gabe on a boat on Lake Windermere

Wow, I’m super late with this week’s Living Arrows post! Since my last posthalf term has been and gone, although Toby and Gabe only went back to school and nursery today. We had a fairly quiet first week; a trip to a play centre, a meal out for my birthday, a visit to the dentist, a visit to my mum and dad’s house where my brother and sister-in-law were staying, and Toby and I went swimming while Gabe had a day at nursery. Actually, when I write it all down it doesn’t seem quiet at all! Read more