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Toby and Gabe have both had reflux. Toby’s was silent, meaning he wasn’t sick, and was diagnosed at six weeks. With Gabe I recognised the signs much sooner (with him the vast amounts of vomit were also a clue!) and he was on medication by two weeks old. But how[Read more]
When Gabe was born I knew there was a good chance that he could suffer with reflux just like Toby had. I thought that having been through it once I would be better prepared to cope with a reflux baby the second time round but that didn’t stop the disappointment[Read more]
I mentioned this briefly a few weeks ago but I wanted to write a proper post about it. If you have been reading my blog for a while you might know Toby was diagnosed with silent reflux when he was about 6 weeks old. He was on Infant Gaviscon and ranitidine[Read more]
Toby was diagnosed with (mostly silent) reflux when he was about six weeks old. I wrote about his diagnosis and treatment here. Once we got Toby on the proper medication he reflux was much easier to manage. He was very rarely sick and as long as we gave him his medicine[Read more]
Living with a reflux baby isn’t easy. At four months old Toby takes 1ml of medicine in a syringe three times a day. He also has Infant Gaviscon added to every bottle of milk as well as Dentinox Colic Drops (although I’m not entirely sure that they really do anything!).[Read more]
**Advertorial Feature Becoming a parent for the first time is probably the most overwhelming thing that will ever happen to you. You may have spent 9 months preparing for your new arrival but if you’re anything like me, that first night at home with your newborn will be absolutely terrifying.[Read more]
At the weekend Gabe turned two and a half so I thought it was probably time for an update. There have been quite a few changes for my little Gabey in the last six months since I wrote his two year update so there is quite a lot to catch[Read more]
Before Christmas I was contacted by a journalist who was writing an article about gender disappointment, and whether more women in particular are disappointed to only have children of one gender. She had decided to get in touch with me after seeing my comment on this video by Chloe from[Read more]
I have two wonderful boys – I love them more than I ever could have imagined, but there is absolutely no way we will be giving them a brother or sister and expanding our family. There are many reasons why I won’t be having a third baby and here are[Read more]
We’ve been counting down the days for weeks and now we are finally here – the first day at primary school. My little boy, who turned four less than two months ago, is heading off into the big adventure that is the world of education.
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