From poppy seed to pumpkin: 23 weeks pregnant

Today sees me turn 23 weeks pregnant, now well and truly over half way, especially if this one decides to show up early like Toby did!

Pregnancy week 23

On the whole I’m feeling good. I seem to remember this was the easiest stage of pregnancy last time too. I’m not feeling too tired any more and I’m not so big that everyday tasks become difficult. It is getting harder to pick Toby up and carry him, which is starting to cause so problems. He just doesn’t understand that I can’t pick him up as much as I used to (particularly when I drop him off or pick him up from nursery) so I end up doing it anyway but I am getting an achy back and some ligament pain in my bump that probably wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have a two stone toddler!

About a month ago I started getting really sore hips, especially for the first hour or two after getting up. I had this in my last pregnancy too but it didn’t start until much later so I was worried I was going to have to put up with it for most of this one. Last time I bought a memory foam mattress topper but had taken it off the bed after Toby was born because Barry reckoned it was giving him a bad back. Anyway, that’s back on now (folded in half so it’s only on my side of the bed) and that, along with the Theraline pregnancy and nursing pillow that I’ve been sent (review coming soon folks!) my hips have been much better the last few weeks and hopefully they’ll stay that way for a while yet.

I saw the midwife last week and everything is looking good. I got to hear the baby’s heart beat again and I’m feeling lots of movements too now – it’s so reassuring to feel the little fella wriggling around in there. Barry even managed to feel him kick too the other night which was lovely. They didn’t measure my bump this time as apparently it’s too early and I don’t have to see the midwife for another 6 weeks now. I suspect when they do start measuring I’ll measure big just like last time, even though Toby ended up only being 6lb 10oz, I’m hoping for a similarly small baby this time, it was hard enough pushing Toby out, I don’t fancy trying to get anything bigger out of there!

So physically I’m not doing to badly at all, emotionally though I am finding this pregnancy much more difficult than last time. It’s not that anything about the pregnancy itself is really worrying me (apart from the low lying placenta and possible c-section that I’m trying not to think about), but I’m definitely finding my emotional reaction to other situations is much harder to control. I wrote the other day about Toby’s nursery wobbles, and I’m sure I would find it difficult even if I wasn’t pregnant, but I find that the tears come a lot more readily than they would normally. I guess that’s just something that comes with the territory and I’m lucky that Barry is massively supportive and is always there when I need a good cry.

I don’t think I have much else to add at the moment, oh apart from that I bought a couple of tiny baby sleepsuits this week and some newborn cloth nappies – they are so teeny tiny and cute! I can’t believe Toby was ever that small but he was, and it won’t be that long before we have another tiny human on our hands. And I bought these matching leggings for my boys. I was going to get them for Toby and then I just couldn’t resist buying the little ones too. How cute?!


Maternity Matters~ Ghostwritermummy

8 thoughts on “From poppy seed to pumpkin: 23 weeks pregnant

  1. You’re looking great lovely!!! In full pregnancy bloom 🙂

    I’m also struggling with picking up Arthur, particularly tough last couple days as Arthur is very poorly so just wants to be cuddled and carried all the time!!
    Also very emotional too haha it’s crazy!!!

    Good that you’re getting relief from the mattress topper and pregnancy pillow!!

    Love matching pjs for Toby and his baby brother so cute!!! Xx

  2. You have a lovely bump there! Those leggings are so cute, your boys will look gorgeous! Where did you get them from?

  3. Those leggings are the cutest thing I have ever seen. Where are they from? I love stars! You are looking very pregnant now – so excited for your baby to come 🙂 x

  4. You look fab! I’ve definitely had more wobbles in my second pregnancy too! The first must have shot our hormones!! x #MaternityMatters

  5. I have to say you are looking really well and your bump is gorgeous! Sorry I’m a little late in reading, but thank you so much for linking up to #maternitymatters
    I hope your placenta behaves itself, but if you do end up needing a c-section, I’m always happy to chat or answer questions if you have any x xx

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