Living Arrows 31/52 (2016)

I have been taking part in the Living Arrows project for two and a half years now; this is my 133rd Living Arrows post! It is the one post that I always do every week even when I’m struggling to find time to blog and there have been a few times when it is the only post I have managed in a week. And so I was delighted when Donna asked me if I’d like to host the linky this week while she is on holiday.

If you haven’t joined in before, Living Arrows is about celebrating childhood. The project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday we share a moment from our week and invite others to do the same as part of this linky.

Each week I share two pictures from our week – one of each of our children – but you can share one or more pictures that capture a moment of childhood.

So if you would like to link up, grab a badge (you can find the code on Donna’s post here) and post around a photo of childhood from the previous week. I look forward to reading your posts and make sure you visit a few of the other posts that have linked up and leave a comment too!

Living Arrows
So first up, here’s a few of our favourite pictures from last week…
Very Much So
Odd Socks and Lollipops
Not Just Cake
Not Just Cake

And so to my photos this week…

Gabe is loving the new house

This one of Gabe (with photo bomb from Toby) was taken when we got the keys to our new house last week. Both boys loved having loads of space to run around and explore in the empty house. We still haven’t moved in, our stuff is all being delivered tomorrow so hopefully we’ll be able to get things organised(ish) and actually move in in a couple of days.
On Saturday we took a day off doing house stuff and went to the St Anne’s Kite Festival. Toby loved seeing all the kite’s and running around on the beach. I love this shot of him – it’s quite hard to capture a natural expression on camera from Toby these days. I’ll share some more pictures of all the kites soon too.
31_52 16 T
I’d love it if you linked up your Living Arrows posts too:

16 thoughts on “Living Arrows 31/52 (2016)

  1. Thank you for hosting this week and thank you for featuring one of my photos. I love Toby’s face in that bottom photo, what a happy couple of pictures you have this week! You must be so excited to move into your new house x

  2. Erm….how exciting that you have the keys to your new house! WAHOOOOO!!! I too would be thrilled with all of that space. I hope moving things in goes smoothly. I love the photo of Toby on the beach – what a look of joy on his face! #LivingArrows

  3. This is my first time joining in. Looking forward to seeing all the lovely photos from this week. Thanks for having me!

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